Thursday, August 26, 2010

The sExpendables

Ok, so the Expendables was pretty cool. I saw it at like 10 this morning so the ticket was only $6. SCORE! Then the movie turns out to be really well paced action with moderately good dialogue and humor. The fight scenes were RAD and the action in general was really big and fun. Minor bits of romance pepper the movie in a good way to keep it from being 2 hours of mindless explosions. The characters fighting specialties are like
Hi, I'm Jason and I'm rad with knives and stuff. I'll throw approximately 25 knives in this movie.
Hello, I'm Sylvester, and I am good at shooting and looking yolked at any age.
Ni hao, I'm Jet Li and I can martial arts the crap out of you.
My momma calls me TJ but you can call me the big black guy. I like being big, and black, and having a big and black gun!
I'm Randy and I have jacked up ears. Also, watch me throw all these guys all over the place!

So, yeah, I liked it. It was fun. And it was super hot today, so the ac didn't hurt.
Also I bought shirts and hats today, so I win!